New Work: Nike Graphic Studio
Signage proof of concept
I had the amazing opportunity to be part of the Global Airmax Arcade initiative*. The initiative is part of an effort to expand Nike iD with decommissioned arcade cabinets. So instead of customizing your shoes from the comfort of your own home, you can now use one of these game units at your local mall, global tech company headquarters or neighborhood convenience store. Hope you brought change.
Arcade Cabinet Design
Yes, you can still access your favorite Air Max iD product from the web on your personal desktop jumbotron, but imagine speccing out some new kicks at your local arcade with some dude looking over your shoulder saying "next." This is the future, folks.
Go for the more classic view or put your shoe in exotic environments
*OK. Totally not real. Yeah Yeah, I know everyone is tired of all that April Fools shenanigans, but I couldn't help myself. I was posting up this new work for Nike Graphic Studio, which you can see below, and let my love for vintage arcade stuff get the better of me. Hope you enjoyed. The apparel work for Nike is below. These will be released in the UK, so keep an eye out.
Thanks for Christopher Degatano and the NIke Graphic Studio team!