
New Work: Junk Drawer

I think most people have that drawer in their house. Full of forgotten stuff, random objects and various trinkets. We've always called it the "junk drawer." This series will be taking a look into these tucked away spaces in some of my favorite people; real, not so real, and somewhere in between. I love the challenge of trying to identify characters by their objects and possessions. Each small thing tells a part of the story. I'll be updating here and posting to twitter so you can follow me there @mattstevensclt. 

​No.2 / White's Space

​No.2 / White's Space

The toughest part of this one was just narrowing down what I would include. You can pick up a lot of junk on your path to moral bankruptcy. ​ I had a lot of fun doing this one and including nods to some of my favorite parts of the show.

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No.01 / Dark Nightstand​

No.01 / Dark Nightstand​

​One of the most enduring characters of the modern era and a personal obsession that I've never quite outgrown. Starting with this guy was a no-brainer. The bigger mystery is just what this dude keeps close at hand in that messy drawer by the bed.

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Matt Stevens5 Comments