the Design Office of Matt Stevens - Direction + Design + Illustration


New Work: Super Bowl Design Brawl

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In honor of SuperBowl 50, amazing craft beer illustrator and designer Josh Emrich, invited me to a design challenge. The plan was simple. Each of us would draft a team of 6 from our home cities competing (Panthers v. Broncos) in the SuperBowl and each team would design a custom 6 pack. both Charlotte and Denver are huge Craft Beer markets and I was proud to draft some of my most talented friends from the Carolinas. Joey Ellis, J.Fletcher, Zach Shuta, and Ryan Simpson joined myself in the challenge (Jason Latour had to drop out due to an illness). So proud of what these guys came up with. You can vote here at for your favorite. Thanks again to Josh for coming up with the idea and putting it all together. 

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